These are the records of the courses I had given on Homeopathy on 1980 in this avan-garde American Institute “The Esalen” situated in California, in the brings of the Pacific Ocean. In this Institute during the 70s and 80s almost all the pioneering ideas concerning human psychological and ecological activities were first manifested. The courses lasted one whole month where I was teaching for 8 hours a day. So interesting were the courses that the students requested the last few days to continue the teaching beyond the 8 hours that was the regular classes to which I agreed. But I said, I will continue until one of us either you -the students- or me will be first collapsing! In the end of the final days the whole class was lying on the floor totally exhausted while I was continuing to give information, that the contemporary student can read now in this selection of teachings. The video tapes od these teachings were stolen by some who thought they could make some money afterwards. Unfortunately for them I survived far beyond their expectations. George Vithoulkas Alonissos, 10 April 2010
1. Anacardium oriental
2. Cuprum metallicum
3. Natrum carbonicum
4. Iodium purum
5. Gelsemiurn sempervirens
6. Conium maculatum
7. Psorinum
8. SuIphur lotum
9. China officinalis
10. Helleborus niger
11. Bryonia
12. Natrum sulphuricum
13. Medorrhinum
14. Magnesia muriatica
15. Silicea Terra (Silica)
16. Tuberculinum Bovinum Kent
17. Calcarea phosphorica
18. Staphysagria
19. Phosphoricum acidum / Muriaticum acidum / Picricum acidum
20. Alumina
21. Calcarea carbonica
22. Boericke Materia Medica:
23. Argentum nitricum
24. Platinum metallicum
25. Causticum Hahnemanni
26. Cannabis indica
27. Nitric acid
1. Melanoma
2. Impotency
3. Constitutional Remedies
4. Constitutional Treatment
5. Treatment of Babies
6. Psychiatry and Psychotic Depression
7. Some remarks on Arnica, Cactus and Gelsemium
8. Some facts about George’s early life
9. About Health and Disease
10. General Questions & Answers